Monday, May 7, 2012

Primary Science Week

It is Primary Science Week, but at our school it is also parent teacher learning conferences (parent/teacher interviews) so science week has been postponed. This is what happens in schools. There are so many things to fit in, so many things to do that sometimes priorities have to change. So science week will happen later in the term.
Being back at school it this ability to be flexible, but also to make sure the things you want to do get done. So yes I am doing a lot more science, I am helping and suggesting things to my colleagues, and trying things I haven't tried before. Here is one of those things. Last year I made a few videos and so I have taken that into the classroom. I had my class make a video to explain their findings about rock pools creatures. Unfortunately the day we went to the rock pools to film was a little windy so the children have had to add subtitles. They have learnt how to edit and put music into their movies. Please remember this is a first effort and there are a few areas that need to be improved. I have added one here but more videos are on my class wiki
We are involved in science this term. Currently we are looking at earthquakes as part of the LearNZ programme.We are also are taking part in an international chemistry experiment as part of the Olympics at Over riding all of this is a garden area out side the class room that we are monitoring and hope to turn into a Learning Garden (just awaiting funding news)
All of this is a lot more science than I have taken for quite some time, all as a result of last year, but it has to fit into the demands of school and all the other things I have to do.


  1. Looks like good Science that your class is doing. I think postponing Science week to another week is a good idea. Schools are so busy with all the other curriculum/activity demands and one week in the year doesn't suit everybody. We have had a Science Term!!! This mean's science is stretched out over the term. I think the teachers in our school would flip out if they had to do extra Science over and above all the other things they squeeze into their week.
    Interesting finding this term - I surveyed two students from every year 7 class (14 x classes) and approx 80% of them said they have never learnt science before. So I think there is a need for Science week in some schools more than others. I am not saying they are not teaching Science but the kids actually don't know when they are learning science.

    1. Thanks for that Patsy, schools really can be a balancing act. I am planning some activities for our own science week later in the term. I now try to be more explicit and say science when we are doing science rather than just earthquakes (for example) and I think that is something we as teachers have been guilty of, not saying this is science, or social studies, or health but just teaching a topic.
