I have spent large parts of the week reading, researching and thinking about how to word a research proposal. Anyone can go to the rock pools and look, count,to and identify creatures but by writing a reasearch proposal I have to really focus on why I am going to do this. What is it I want to find out? I have to write my methodolgy so that anyone else could go and do exactly the same thing. I keep telling Erin to be tough on me so that I can word it correctly. The whole process has really helped me focus on what it is I will be researching when I am in the Marine Reserve. It has made me start to think like a scientist (no I am not claiming to be one). It also makes me think about teaching and sometimes we do things for the sake of doing them without giving them a real purpose. This process is teaching me the importance of that step.
Mid day low tides have meant easier times to be in Tapuae Marine Reserve practising identifying species and getting to know the area. This week I have tried to focus on the differnt types of limpets. The more I observe the more questions keep coming into my head. Why is this type of seaweed found more on this reef and not others? Why is this seaweed out of the water black in the sun, greeny brown on cloudy days, and brown in the water? I think I know some of these answers but need to formulate them in more scientific terms in my head.
I have also now walked the whole of the Marine Reserve, not in one go, but over two days. From each end I have walked to the same point. I have taken more notice of the different types of reef along the Marine Reserve, from rocky shelves, to large boulder, to smaller boulder, and sandy beach areas. I am more familiar where I will find certain species, where I am more likely to see kingfishers, or where there is lots of Neptunes necklace for example. Walking the beach is also good thinking time for when I sit back down in front of my laptop to write. It helps refocus and invigorate me.
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